From the vastness of Stone Age Siberia to a minefield in today's Angola, from the black beaches o...
In the summer of 1990 Jay Ramsay set out on pilgrimage with an interfaith group from London to Io...
The question that haunts Ian Alexander MacDuffy is why the playwright Campbell McCluskie was murd...
In a verse sequence that swoops between wit and ancient wisdom, between the mystical and the misc...
Ditch Vision is a book of essays on poetry, nature, and place that extends Jeremy Hooker's thinki...
The transformative power of imagination, the elusive dream world of the unconscious, our changing...
What does it mean to write and perform bardic poetry in the twenty-first century? This monumental...
Under English law a parent still has the right to disinherit their offspring. This book is a poet...
Nicolas Kurtovitch is one of the leading literary figures in the French-speaking country of New C...
Soul of the Earth: The Awen Anthology of Eco-Spiritual Poetry
The sound of snow falling on a Somerset hillside, the evanescence of a waterspout on a remote Sco...