Join the adventures of Ryan and Sparky, a father and son dinosaur duo, as they explore their worl...
Gregory Ketabgian is a retired physician born in Aleppo, Syria to Armenian Genocide survivors. He...
Notes From The Shadow Self is Carolyn Wolfe's second collection of poetry. The book is about our ...
Imagine a world where animals can talk to each other, an obnoxious mouse full of wit, a mischievo...
It's been said that lightning never strikes the same place twice.But how does one really know for...
In 1917, Ruth Caldwell left Virginia for a new life in England. It mattered not to her that there...
The First 60 Years is an insightful look at the progression of artistic contributions made by Afr...
Taking life seriously is the first step to unhappiness*A salmagundi of risible feuilletonsAn olla...
Receiving a full-ride scholarship to the most prestigious school in the nation is supposed to be ...
This is a continuation from my poetry book Ghetto Love my version of sex, pain & love part 1. Thi...
I was inspired to write this book, A CLOUD OF ANCESTRAL WITNESSES, after the election of the firs...