A unique, groundbreaking collection of six new plays that redefine disability selected and introd...
'You've heard of an Essex Girl or even a Chelsea Girl and now there is a Hounslow Girl, geared up...
Bradford, in the month of Ramadan. Shaz, a local garage mechanic, is trying to keep his business ...
Thrown off the train for not having a ticket, Mona finds herself, alone, in a rural town at night...
2016 marked the 400th anniversary of the deaths of two of the world's most famous authors, Willia...
Three stories, three lives, three journeys to find a place called home.Cheung Wing is escaping fr...
ented here make the process of linking sexual energy and transcendent states of consciousness acc...
Rudhyar expands traditional Astrological philosophy by introducing a galactic view of the solar s...
The Bin Hu Ma Xue, from which this translation was taken, was first written in 1518, and has been...
Written at the request of her advanced students, 'Initiation' is an illuminating autobiography th...
This pioneering classic provides a new dimension in the use of Astrology as a powerful tool in un...
Introduces the concept of transmuting the physical, emotional, mental and psychic energies people...