This beer soaked, degenerate coming of age story follows the day-to-day trials in the darkly hyst...
Social networks can be used for a number of things such as finding out what friends and family me...
This darkly offbeat novel opens with the narrator, Wallace Black, as the target of the school bul...
D. Harlan Wilson returns with another ferociously mindbending collection of short fiction. Masked...
Black metal juggernaut Desekration stand poised to record their forthcoming masterwork ... once D...
David Fosberg plays guitar in Valhalla. But don't worry: this is no jukebox hero saga of his rise...
We open Google Maps. We search for life on other planets. We search for Arafat Mountain. Then we ...
Mason Becker is a self-published writer suffering from mild success. After the death of his girlf...
Seven-year-old David Glum watches as his grandfather is abducted by a legendary herd of elephants...
Ty Seward is a sick man. Anorexic, sexually aberrant, and haunted by a ghostly apparition residin...
Life isn't easy for Eddie Grimboli. Marriage isn't easy. Winter isn't easy. Being fat isn't easy....
Leaving behind the familiar hills of England, X makes for Europe with just her 75-litre backpack....