In 1647, William Lilly, renowned throughout England, sat down to write his famous book on astrolo...
Synastry is the branch of astrology that tells us how we relate to other people. How Joe relates ...
The definitive text on Primary Directions, written by a 20th century master. Sepharial (1864-1929...
In his third book of essays, Roell starts, appropriately enough, with an analysis of Occupy Wall ...
Richard Saunders (1613 - 1692) was an astrologer physician in 17th century England. This book, fi...
Back in print! In a fine new paperback edition, this is the best of the many astro-reference book...
Derek Appleby is the man who single-handedly revived horary astrology, leading directly to the cu...
James Wilson wrote his Dictionary of Astrology in 1819. Based in large measure on a close study o...
The present work is designed to give a clear and concise presentation of the essential facts of m...
Ancient astrologers declared stars 'fixed' to distinguish them from wandering stars, which they c...
The Sabian symbols are the unique set of symbolic vignettes, or descriptive images, which were ob...
This is one of the most sophisticated medical astrology books ever written. Many of the finer poi...