Five years begins the nightmare. Along a peaceful stretch of coast, the balance for the world has...
The Art of War is one of the oldest and most widely read books on tactics and strategy ever writt...
Five years begins the nightmare. Along a peaceful stretch of coast, the balance for the world has...
The tale of Bar and Dare's breathtaking adventures continues in the Battle for the Isle of Ree. T...
Cyberwar is about to define the world's future. At a secret meeting in Montreux, Switzerland, the...
This book is about and aimed at people wishing insight into what they morally feel, how it can be...
Pushed to the very limits of sanity, Della Divine takes the only course of action available to he...
The book is aimed at children (and adults) of all ages and contains fourteen stories about the hi...
This book is about a young man from Texas who goes to Iran for a job promotion and gets swept up ...
In the large, inland city of Wagga Wagga, newly appointed Detective Mike Walker notes the mysteri...
In the large, inland city of Wagga Wagga, newly appointed Detective Mike Walker notes the mysteri...
Life is a long and painful journey. We don't have to travel it alone or bear all the pain if we k...