In the 1990s New York, the information Superhighway was a deer path through the vast woods. A tim...
Rafael Villamil: A Retrospective 1956-2024 is an intimate portrait of a renaissance artist archit...
In 'FAVORITE: Recipes to Inspire the Home Chef' cookbook, Chef Nanette Smalley of the noted ‘La Q...
Lisa Levy is an established New York visual artist who hosts the popular podcast 'Dr. Lisa Gives ...
Artvoices Magazine 2008-2018 'Special Collection' features ground breaking articles mainly on eme...
The Madness of Todd Serlin an intersection of toxic nirvana and urban daydreams. This book celeb...
James Macdonell Retrospective 2004-2025 is a museum catalogue artist monograph representing 20 ye...
In recognition of the 20th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina we are releasing the Saratoga Collect...
Catalog of an exhibition held at Elga Wimmer in New York, NY, May 21-June 14, 2015.
'Pieces of a Man' (Artvoices Art Books 2016) brings together 25 years of street photographs by no...
I’ll never forget that first time a saw a New Orleans Mardi Gras Indian. I was driving home while...
This special volume 1 of 101 Contemporary Artists features 101 of the most exciting artists from ...