In Giovan Francesco Straparola's The Pleasant Nights, a group of men and women gather together in...
This translation of Shakespeare's overlooked play will captivate contemporary readers.Virginia Gr...
An anthology that reimagines Shakespeare's works from the perspective of the United States-Mexico...
The first English translation of Olga A. Smirnitskaya's influential 1994 Russian work on Anglo-Sa...
Early law reports from the English Court of Chancery.This edition of Chancery cases from 1625 to ...
Margaret Fell (1614-1702), one of the co-founders of the Society of Friends and a religious activ...
Seeing Race Before Race - Visual Culture and the Racial Matrix in the Premodern World
Shakespeare and the Senses explores how audiences of Shakespeare's time would have understood the...
While political activists have long decried the cultural and economic marginalization of Appalach...
Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, the little-known author of Beauty and the Beast, was a su...