The Dream of the Cosmos is the story of a multi-layered quest to understand the causes of human s...
Alchemy is best known as the age-old science of turning base metal into gold. But it is much more...
As far back as she could remember Josephine had experienced psychic phenomenon, knew she had live...
This is a book for anyone, whether they are familiar with theViolet Flame or not. It is a book to...
A fascinating new look at Abraham Maslow's 'Hierarchy of Needs'. Not the 1943 version quoted by t...
Buntie Wills was a psychotherapist and, for some, a spiritual teacher and healer, who practised f...
Before the rise of the patriarchy, when most cultures lived within the all enveloping 'body' of t...
THERE ARE MOMENTS OF ILLUMINATION, in the lives of scientists and inventors, when the key to a pr...
In the last few years a number of books have appeared about Transpersonal Psychology, but few hav...
Originally these talks were written by the author for use with a group of people who became known...