'A political thriller set in Brazil, where wealth and crime collide in a gripping tale of intrigu...
For fans of Jo Nesbo, Ian Rankin, and Michael Connelly, the third Inspector Mislan thriller takes...
The first book in the Horseshoer Mystery series by bestselling novelist Lisa Preston featuring fa...
For fans of Cormac McCarthy, Phillip Meyer, Fargo, and Justified, a gritty rural noir thriller ab...
The Third Book in the Horseshoer Mystery Series, Featuring the Incorrigible Female Horseshoer, Ra...
'Now returned from another tour in Afghanistan, [Tommy Smith] is rebuilding his life with his new...
'Originally published in Malaysia by Silverfish Books'--Title page verso.
'Quinn Farrell is a modern-day fixer in Los Angeles -- he cleans up other people's messes. Rich p...
'In the run-up to the Eid holiday, the police department is drained of staff and the DUKE express...
Here, more than sixty years after it was written, is Nobel laureate Samuel Beckett's first novel....