In The Activist, Nigeria's acclaimed poet, Tanure Ojaide, brings his sharp sensibilities and writ...
Past efforts at documenting the general history of television have tended to focus mainly on West...
Femi Ojo-Ade's new poetry collection, Gorée's Unwavering Songs comes a few years after his first,...
Red Earth and Other PoemsAdamu Ajunam Red Earth is a poet's conscious effort at capturing the c...
The Nigerian Army is an institution that has played a pivotal role in the affairs of the Federal ...
'In this very interesting and illuminating book, Otobo makes a significant contribution to improv...
At 77, Emeritus Professor Oladipo Akinkugbe chronicles his footprints in nine fascinating chapter...
It's election season in Nigeria.David Lawanson has just been nominated to stand for the governors...
Mike is a Nigerian-born lawyer turned investment banker in the city of London. Despite career and...
Water Must Flow UphillAdventures in University AdministrationRoger Makanjuola This is a riveti...
The decision to create the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) was one of the major out...
'The Duet' belongs in the special league of such double-voiced texts as Temilola Abioye & Tade Ip...