A young boy witnesses a kidnapping in a homeless encampment and flees for his life. After rescuin...
From award-winning novelist Lynne Hugo, Mothers of Fate, a masterful story of three women and a y...
In 1927, the beautiful city of Berlin is the gay capitol of the world. Ruth, a performer at one o...
When Professor Clare Malley, a medievalist teaching at a Catholic university in New York City, is...
In this second volume of his saga, Odd Tangle-Hair travels to Russia to take up his post as skald...
An old grudge erupts into violence as Odd Tangle-Hair refuses to back down from the men he believ...
An American diplomat--reformed alcoholic, unreformed gambler, and inveterate smart-ass-- finds hi...
The swamps and bayous around Cherokee Crossing, Arkansas have always been dark and mysterious, bu...
Eight long years of grade school and nuns is about to end in freedom. Graduation! But only if Mim...
The inhabitants of Daybreak, a quiet 19th-century utopian community, are courted by a powerful lu...