A young boy witnesses a kidnapping in a homeless encampment and flees for his life. After rescuin...
From award-winning novelist Lynne Hugo, Mothers of Fate, a masterful story of three women and a y...
When Professor Clare Malley, a medievalist teaching at a Catholic university in New York City, is...
An American diplomat--reformed alcoholic, unreformed gambler, and inveterate smart-ass-- finds hi...
The inhabitants of Daybreak, a quiet 19th-century utopian community, are courted by a powerful lu...
A penny for a promise will change her life forever.For Jesse James, the war will never be over. ...
Who has not been thrilled and not a little frightened by tales of ghosts, spirits, hauntings, and...
Throughout history, the state of Missouri has served as a setting for a vast array of exciting le...
The great love of Blue Heron and Red Bear sustain an Ojibwe clan as it struggles to survive war, ...
Folk wisdom varies from region to region, and the Ozark Mountain variety was, and still is, pecul...
Tennessee's tales of treasure come from a multitude of sources: Indians mining silver for jewelry...