In this groundbreaking collection, leading scholars in this emergingfield explore how nature can ...
Fotile is not just an enterprise; it's a cultural phenomenon!Chairman Mao Zhongqun once remarked,...
The Developing Course of Chinese Philosophy deals with the thoughts of Chinese philosophers and t...
Marxist ideology is the only fully scientific ideology, the only one able to guide mankind toward...
The Grand Scribe's Record and Chinese Literature is one of Prof. Zhang's most important works and...
Building an eco-civilization is vital to the sustainable development of the world. Our society wi...
In 2022, the record-breaking high temperature and drought in the northern hemisphere indicate tha...
Through the unique format of conversations, the book not only tells the history of Dunhuang Studi...
The book reviews recent theoretical and pedagogical innovations in foreign language teaching and ...
The wisdom of ancient Chinese people shines brilliantly like pearls. Fables, conveyed in the simp...
Academic authors use various evaluative resources to express personal attitudes, opinions, emotio...