This tale of good and evil extremes happened among a few Americans living in Germany during the R...
In 1980, a family of twelve two parents and ten children leaves the comfort of their home from Ti...
From Rock to Gem is designed to help those who have a similar story to the author's realize they ...
The Next Election is based on true life events. The story opens with an award ceremony where Char...
The final novel of the trilogy, The Matryoshka Man, is the black novel. It is a cabaret piano rol...
The second book, the gray novel, takes place in the truth of imagination in a far lost summer ago...
The Gordon family have a historic woolshed, which was built in 1886. It has been turned into a mu...
Charlie seems like a normal, modern guy, and up to now he didn't even know about his amazing bloo...
This book is written to help integrate children within the age of 10 and beginners alike into the...