DARK WILDERNESS contains fifteen tales of gnawing suspense and psychological terror from the mind...
In 1841, a country lawyer and rising politician named Abraham Lincoln visited the plantation home...
Innovative scene work lies at the core of each actor's artistic development. This unique collecti...
Authors from across the US and Great Britain offer a diverse range of voices, styles and subjects...
A deranged man kidnaps street corner Santa Claus on Christmas Eve in this slightly edgy but fun a...
Is anything more thrilling than the promise of new love? But what do you do when 'True Love's Kis...
This unique collection of original monologues gleaned from Vin Morreale, Jr.'s nationally known B...
In every life, there are sudden moments of transition, when a single decision can doom a relation...
A collection of original two-person scenes that make a valuable addition to every actor's toolbox...
For the past fifty years, ALL MY PASSIONS has been a fixture of daytime television. But like its ...
Inspiration from a Type One Diabetic Teen.This book is about 'fighting back' against your pancrea...
No matter what life throws at you, it's always great to have a best friend. For a little girl wit...