A narrative, in graphic novel form, of a young woman coming of age while struggling with an eatin...
Single, hopeless romantic Bella O'Sullivan's life is not how she pictured it would be. She's sick...
No one messes with my princes...When The Lucaya Group kidnaps Drake Battle, it's Marcello's job...
'A story of self-discovery in graphic novel format that explores the author's experiences with lo...
From Philadelphia to Erie, and from the shale fields to the coal mines,Keystone Poetry celebrates...
Authority Figures uncovers the essential but largely unrecognized place of rhetoric in John Locke...
How to do readings with crystals using the 68 essential crystals. Details each of the crystal pro...
The Malign Alliance is the story of a proud alien queen, Linnayen Genara, who devises a controver...
A strange thing happened at the tomb of Lazarus when he died for the last time.Amidst the cast of...
Discussion of the nature of Sumerian wisdom literature and complete editions of many Sumerian wis...
Examines a series of linked case studies that not only highlight moments of seeming disconnect be...
Julian of Norwich (ca. 1343?ca. 1416), a contemporary of Geoffrey Chaucer, William Langland, and ...