In this poignant sequel to Headlong into Pennilessness, Sheffield-born Michael Glover, poet and a...
This is a book of poems soaked in the spirit of Sheffield through and through, then and now, by M...
This new, re-written edition combines Ronnie's previously self-published books Sharpe as a Blade ...
The play On Behalf of The People was commissioned by The National Coal Mining Museum for England ...
What would happen if a left-wing, Labour leader remained popular despite every smear and lie the ...
A collection of short stories by new and established authors all with a war theme: how it affects...
Up on the hills above the town Geoffrey Harland's body lies in the snow with a bullet through his...
This volume contains the original French text plus an exciting new translation by poet Michel Glo...
Why should children enjoy all the picture books? Artworks by Ruth Dupré complement beautifully th...
It is the year of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. Rabbi Howell of Sheffield United, the first R...
The Book of Extremities is a unique piece of writing: a dark, haunting tale that will make you qu...
Joseph Gales was one of the all-time great Sheffielders - forget Joe Cocker, Jessica Ennis-Hill, ...