Wild, defiant and startlingly inventive, The Slits were ahead of their time. Although they create...
The story of Florence + The Machine makes an exhilarating contrast to the fortunes of those pre-p...
Musically, culturally and even in terms of sheer attitude, the Jesus and Mary Chain stand alone. ...
A pocket-sized collection of more than eighty hits by the biggest names of the 1960s. Presented i...
Visions, Dreams & Rumours, a celebration of the Stevie Nicks phenomenon, takes us on her journey ...
Poly Styrene was a singer-songwriter, an artist, a free-thinker, a post-modern style pioneer and ...
The definitive chronicle on the graphic art of punk style!
This richly illustrated oral history account of The Jam's rollercoaster final year, led principal...
'Become more passionate and confident in everything you do using the magical energy of your Sun s...