Amid the uncertainty of not having a permanent home, twelve-year-old Queenie finds unforeseen fri...
Priya's favorite things are animals and dancing. She is so excited when Madam Martine asks her to...
Tiggy has a very wobbly tooth, and she doesn't want to lose it! But can she survive a whole day a...
Bertie Black has just moved in with her new step family, but it doesn't feel like home. She spend...
I Feel the World encourages children to explore their feelings with curiosity and acceptance. Thi...
Patience is learning to wait. Sometimes things are so exciting, waiting can seem impossible. But ...
When Madam Martine asks Edmund to choose the dance for Stardust to perform at the Gala, it's neve...
Lulu Lullaby knocks over Grandma's precious ballet trophy and it smashes into a million pieces! L...
Respect is valuing another person, which makes them feel cared for and understood. You can respec...
Teamwork is working together towards a shared goal. Teamwork is being flexible and managing the l...
Self belief is trusting yourself to learn new things and giving yourself space to make mistakes. ...
Gratitude is noticing what you have, rather than focusing on what you don't have. Gratitude is sa...