Manga titan Shigeru Mizuki brings Japan's most entertaining myths to the modern ageAs travelers a...
Yokai Bestiary is an illustrated compendium of the beastly ghosts and supernatural animals that s...
Manga has taken the world by storm. A richly diverse medium, the Japanese comics phenomenon has s...
Manga has taken the world by storm. A richly diverse medium, the Japanese comics phenomenon has s...
Office worker Riko Kozakura lives to play video games, but her life changed forever when she adop...
Office worker Riko Kozakura lives to play video games, but her life changes forever when she adop...
The final showdown for the legendary yokai!In the seventh volume of Shigeru Mizuki's defining ser...
Sixteen mythical monsters and spirits from Japanese folklore take children on fantastical adventu...
The beloved mangaka adapts one of his country - and the world's - great works of supernatural lit...
'I lived in a haunted apartment.' Davisson opens this definitive work on Japan's ghosts, or yurei...
Meet one of Japan's most popular characters of all time-Kitaro, the One-Eyed Monster BoyThe Birth...
'Kitaro is a fun, eerie romp into Japan's supernatural world.' --School Library Journal, YALSA Gr...