Black Caesar is a feared and ruthless man, and he is determined to impose his will on the Bradfor...
'Darwin and the Art of Science will consist of excerpts from six of Darwin's books, chosen and in...
Uncover the profound transformation that waits within the intimate wilderness of your personal sa...
Jenna ist eine junge, talentierte Designerin, die als Assistentin für Mia Montgomery, Inhaberin d...
As warm and frothy as a spiced pumpkin latte on a crisp autumn day, this trio of magically romant...
An accessible and effective chair pilates and yoga exercise book - written by a qualified fitness...
An artist investigates strange goings on at the British museum - and uncovers a maelstrom of disq...
A Life Lived on Three Continents is narrated by Hanay Kang, whose life was transformed by the fal...
This handbook provides an in-depth survey of historical readings of Quakerism; a treatment of its...
A vigorous, innovative, compelling introduction to Quakers, fully global in reach, and utilizing ...
This comprehensive theological analysis of leading early Quakers' work, offers fresh insights int...