This volume consists of a set of ten lectures conceived as both introduction and up-to-date surve...
In 1915 and 1916 Emmy Noether was asked by Felix Klein and David Hilbert to assist them in unders...
The lectures that comprise this volume constitute a comprehensive survey of the many and various ...
In 1915 and 1916 Emmy Noether was asked by Felix Klein and David Hilbert to assist them in unders...
The lectures that comprise this volume constitute a comprehensive survey of the many and various ...
Groups and Symmetries: From Finite Groups to Lie Groups presents an introduction to the theory of...
Unser bisheriger Preis:ORGPRICE: 48,14 €
Lectures on Integrable Systems - Proceedings of the Cimpa School in Memory of Jean-Louis Verdier
This volume consists of a set of ten lectures conceived as both introduction and up-to-date surve...
Unser bisheriger Preis:ORGPRICE: 119,99 €