A series of articles by Yves Congar from 1946 to 1956. Yves Congar kept in a discontinuous way, a...
Dieser Band ist aus der Reihe 'Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte'. Die Bände können als Fortsetzung o...
It was in 1937 that Fr Congar's first book was published: Disunited Christians: Principles for a ...
'Written as a young man in Sedan, in the eastern France, which was occupied by the German's in th...
Archbishop Angelo Roncali (later Pope John XXIII) read True and False Reform during his years as ...
How can communion be restored between the great traditions of contemporary Christianity, and yet ...
Written as a young man in Sedan, in the eastern France, which was occupied by the German's i...
A series of articles by Yves Congar from 1946 to 1956. Yves Congar kept in a discontinuous way, a...
The traditional date of the beginning of the Oriental Schism is 1054. Congar shows that the seeds...
Cardinal Yves Congar is universally known and respected as the great ecclesiologist of Vatican II...
Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte Die Lehre von der Kirche. Faszikel.3c
Some Christians claim to reject Tradition in preference to a supposedly 'Bible only' Christianity...