Warden Hwajin Na's faces a dilemma outside of normal school hours, and outside of his strict duti...
When a series of crimes comes to light involving adults assisting runaway adolescents, the TRPA i...
The She-Devil with a Sword faces her most fearsome foe yet: the time-lostvampire lord, Dracula! A...
Celebrate the extraordinary work of Jose Gonzalez, an unparalleled master of horror illustration,...
'The Art of Sean Phillips is a lavish, career-spanning retrospective of the acclaimed artist behi...
Red Sonja, heroine for hire, is drawn to the jade kingdom of Khitai with thepromise of riches bey...
'It is the near future, and student violence in schools is out of control. In a questionnaire sur...
'With the lack of discipline in schools out of control, Hwajin Na and the Educational Right Prote...
As Hwajin Na's TRPA team expands, bad actors within the Korean education system don't stand a cha...