This collection of essays explores the resilience and relevance of an ancient yet still vital tea...
This two-volume set (CCIS 873 and CCIS 874) constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of th...
This is a book about techniques used in the acquisition of geographical data. The target audience...
Die Virtuelle Synchronmaschine (VISMA) stellt einen speziell gesteuerten Wechselrichter dar, der ...
This book covers the key advances in computerized facial beauty analysis, with an emphasis on dat...
In the market of wireless communication, high data-rate transmission and high spectral efficiency...
In the mathematical treatment of many problems which arise inphysics, economics, engineering, man...
This book introduces readers to the theory, design and applications of automotive transmissions. ...
This two-volume set (CCIS 873 and CCIS 874) constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of th...
The First Asia --- Pacific Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology was held in Beijing, China on...
criteria linear and nonlinear programming has proven to be a very useful approach. - Knowledge ma...
In the mathematical treatment of many problems which arise inphysics, economics, engineering, man...