Misadventures of Wellington Fables is an explicit psychological fiction that serves as a study in...
Raiders of the Aftermath is a fictional adventure story about the explorations and exploits of se...
'Rapture!' @ the Qapitol is a humorous political satire that reimagines the events of the 'insurr...
Ode to the Anti-Disestablishmentarianism is a work written in opposition to the intentional deter...
The Pilgrimage Through Purgatory is a hopeless journey through the circumstances of being otherwi...
Island of Misfit Poems is a compilation of unused poems from previous plays, epic poems, novels, ...
Tyrannical Tour of Evil is a bleak political satire that identifies and condemns several acts of ...
A Masquerade of Charades is a psychological fiction about a man's break from reality and his embr...
Get the Millstones Ready is a political satire about the evil that our society directs towards th...
Down the Rabbit Hole is a political satire about the extreme conspiracy theories that pervade our...
Look Behind the Curtain is a terrifying political satire that takes off the mask of cultural Marx...
Shoot Down the Balloon is a political satire that questions the value of progressiveness and tech...