An intriguing story of the search for, and discovery of, a wonderful and rare work of art thought...
This substantial book celebrates the history, legacy of the Custodia di Terra Sancta (Custody of ...
New volume in the Frick Diptych series features an illuminating essay by Frick deputy director an...
L'entreprise en tant qu'unité de production des biens et des services, est un lieu où règne l'org...
Das Unternehmen als Einheit, die Waren und Dienstleistungen produziert, ist ein Ort, an dem Organ...
L'azienda, come unità di produzione di beni e servizi, è un luogo dove regna l'organizzazione per...
La empresa, como unidad de producción de bienes y servicios, es un lugar donde reina la organizac...
The company, as a unit of production of goods and services, is a place where organization reigns ...
A empresa, como unidade de produção de bens e serviços, é um lugar onde reina a organização para ...
Tiepolo in Milan: The Lost Frescoes of Palazzo Archinto brings together preparatory drawings and ...
'This catalogue is published in conjunction with the exhibition Murillo: The Self-Portraits, on v...
Illuminates one of Holbein's most famous portraits with a combination of scholarly scrutiny and f...