William Sloane Coffin challenged the nation with his passionate calls for social justice. In this...
'A Passion for the Possible' presents a vision for the future that challenges assumptions and dee...
See Descriptions for Volume 1 and Volume 2.
Rev. William Sloane Coffin (19242006) for half a century stood as a force for progressive religio...
Comprising the sermons preached by William Sloane Coffin while he was senior minister at the pres...
'An abundance of wisdom in an economy of words' by an activist preacher
Civil Disobedience: Aid or Hindrance to Justice?
William Sloane Coffin has fought for social justice and argued that faith must be at the heart of...
'A chorus of essays from a variety of voices, backgrounds, and experiences, exploring what it mea...
'A chorus of essays from a variety of voices, backgrounds, and experiences, exploring what it mea...