Hyde Co., originally known as Wickham, is bound by Pamlico Sound and Beaufort, Washington, Tyrell...
The records in this book were gleaned from papers found in the North Carolina State Archives, the...
These pages contain a wealth of information transcribed from obscure and fragile, original docume...
These pages contain a wealth of information transcribed from obscure and fragile, original docume...
These pages contain a wealth of information transcribed from obscure and fragile, original docume...
There is a wealth of information abounding in the petitions wherein masters expostulate to the co...
The General Assembly Sessions Records are comprised of a vast collection of manuscripts bulging w...
These pages contain a wealth of information transcribed from obscure and fragile, original docume...
These pages contain a wealth of information transcribed from obscure and fragile, original docume...
In 1800 and 1893, courthouse fires destroyed most of Bladen's court records and some of the land ...
A table of cases for criminal and civil actions, a full name and subject index, and a glossary of...
These pages contain a wealth of information transcribed from obscure and fragile, original docume...