William Goyen (1915-1983) was an American original, acclaimed nationally and internationally, and...
Proclaimed 'one of the great American writers of short fiction' by the New York Times Book Review...
William Goyen's fifth novel is a fable of sexuality, Texas country life in the first half of the ...
Laziness in the Fertile Valley is Albert Cossery's biting social satire about a father, his three...
'I was twenty when I followed away from my town a trapeze family, aerialists, a group of beautifu...
Considerado el secreto mejor guardado de la literatura sureña de Estados Unidos, William Goyen es...
Readers can now rediscover one of William Goyen's most important works in this restoration of the...
'I was twenty when I followed away from my town a trapeze family, aerialists, a group of beautifu...