An electric romance set against a rebel art scene sparks lethal danger for two girls in She's Too...
In a “thriller with a sharp take on wealth and privilege” (People, Book of the Week), two best fr...
Jazz will stop at nothing to save her brother.Their foster mother, Carol, has always been fanatic...
An electric romance set against a rebel art scene sparks lethal danger for two girls in She's Too...
?Her scream echoes in my memory. I know what happened. Whether anyone believes me or not, I know....
Desperate to escape suffocating expectations and menacing families, seventeen-year-old Maude and ...
Desperate to escape suffocating expectations and menacing families, seventeen-year-old Maude and ...
While investigating an infamous Hollywood murder mystery for their final YouTube episode, four te...
'Summer and Leo would do anything for each other. Inspired by the way each has had to carve her p...
Jung, weiblich, actionreich:»Kill Club« ist ein temporeicher Thriller um eine toughe Protagonisti...