In this fully revised commentary, Wayne Grudem builds on his original work to take into account a...
Tomado del texto del libro 'Teología Sistemática', que ha sido un éxito de librería, 'Futuro' ofr...
This book, by five translators of the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible, explains the differen...
Is the gift of miracles present today? Some say no. Some say yes. Others say maybe. What is the c...
Tomado del texto del éxito de librería Teología Sistemática, la serie Cómo entender le ofrece boc...
Peter's short letter to the 'exiles of the Dispersion' addresses many topics: holiness, the suffe...
Extractado del éxito de librería 'Teología Sistemática', el libro 'Biblia' presenta con claridad ...
This thought-provoking book presents the four major views of miraculous gifts today and will help...
Derived from Wayne Grudem's comprehensive Politics According to the Bible, this book highlights m...
Derived from Wayne Grudem's comprehensive Politics According to the Bible, this book highlights t...
Tomado del texto del libro de mayor venta, Teología Sistemática, Quien es Dios ofrece bocadillos ...