Die Stoiker waren geniale Philosophen und Psychologen und zudem höchst praktisch veranlagt; sie b...
Vor etwa 2500 Jahren schrieb Platon eine Reihe von Dialogen, die Sokrates im Gespräch mit Schüler...
This is a book about human nature and its management. The wisest students of that subject in anci...
Chess tactics explained in English:the second volume of material from chesstactics.org.This b...
Chess tactics explained in English: the website chesstactics.org in book form.This volume is ...
From the author of Farnsworth's Classical English Rhetoric, a manual for clear, forceful, unforge...
There are two kinds of knowledge law school teaches: legal rules on the one hand and tools for th...
Farnsworth's Classical English Rhetoric was the definitive guide to the use of rhetorical devices...
This is a book about human nature and its management. The wisest students of that subject in anci...
Rhetoric, one of the oldest academic disciplines, has two
'The Socratic method is one of the timeless inventions of the ancient world. It is a path to wisd...
Rhetoric is among the most ancient academic disciplines, and we all use it every day whether expe...