This first of three volumes includes papers from the second series of NODYCON, which was held vir...
This third of three volumes from the inaugural NODYCON, held at the University of Rome, in Februa...
Nonlinear Structural Mechanics: Theory, Dynamical Phenomena and Modeling offers a concise, cohere...
Nonlinear Structural Mechanics: Theory, Dynamical Phenomena and Modeling offers a concise, cohere...
This first of three volumes from the inaugural NODYCON, held at the University of Rome, in Februa...
This second of three volumes from the inaugural NODYCON, held at the University of Rome, in Febru...
This first of three volumes from the inaugural NODYCON, held at the University of Rome, in Februa...
This third of three volumes from the inaugural NODYCON, held at the University of Rome, in Februa...
This second of three volumes from the inaugural NODYCON, held at the University of Rome, in Febru...
This second of three volumes includes papers from the second series of NODYCON which was held vi...
This third of three volumes includes papers from the second series of NODYCON, which was held vir...
This first of three volumes includes papers from the second series of NODYCON, which was held vir...