Brueggemann moves between a description of the reality that appears in front of the church and th...
The Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries series offers compact, critical commentaries on all the b...
Each biblical book is presented for its most effective use by teacher or preacher, taking into co...
''Those who serve as truth-tellers in the church, like those who listen to the truth-telling in t...
Walter Brueggemann bietet in diesem Band die Konturen seiner viel diskutierten theoretischen und ...
This collection of prayers by noted Hebrew Bible scholar Walter Brueggemann can be used in both p...
Biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann has always excelled at making the Bible approachable and enga...
This collection presents over fifty powerful sermons from one of the most trusted preachers today...
The Pivotal Moments in the Old Testament Series helps readers see Scripture with new eyes, highli...
Biblical faith is passionately and relentlessly material in its accent. This claim is rooted in t...
This examination of the 'Psalms of Historical Recital' reviews this portion of scripture's social...
New and different readings of biblical texts are one consequence of a growing awareness of the en...