The groundbreaking Harlem Renaissance novel about prejudice within the black community Emma Lou...
VINTAGE CLASSICS' HARLEM RENAISSANCE SERIES Celebrating the finest works of the Harlem Renaissanc...
Der Harlem Renaissance-Klassiker - erstmals auf Deutsch!New York, 1920er-Jahre: Auf der Suche nac...
Emma Lou Morgan's dark complexion is a source of sorrow and humiliation--not only to herself, but...
One of the most widely read and controversial works of the Harlem Renaissance, The Blacker the Be...
2015 Reprint of 1929 Edition. This novel, associated with the Harlem Renaissance, is considered g...
2020 Reprint of the 1932 Edition.Thurman is perhaps best known for this novel, which is a satire ...
Emma Lou was born black. Too black for her own comfort and that of her social-climbing wannabe fa...
2022 Reprint of the 1926 Edition.Illustrated Edition. Facsimile of the original edition and not r...
This roman clef centers on Niggeratti Manor, fashioned after the Harlem rooming house in which Wa...
'The Blacker the Berry' is the provocative and illuminating 1929 novel by Harlem Renaissance auth...
Emma Lou was born black. Abandoned at birth by her father and bleached by her mother from a young...