When a team of feline ninjas descends upon the animal town of Pawston and the sacred scroll of Ba...
'Prince Bubbles, the prince of New Sealand, comes to Pawston to recieve an award. Everything goes...
After breaking out of prison, tricky magician Labra-Cadabra-Dor puts canine detective Rider Woofs...
When Rider takes the P.I. Pack to a ski resort on vacation, they get caught up in a Snowbot myste...
A new criminal in Pawston is stealing priceless works of art, but Rider, busy with an old friend,...
Mega-superstar David Bow-Wowie is ready to rock and roll at the Bow-Wow Club until all the instru...
When a team of feline ninjas descends upon the animal town of Pawston and the sacred scroll of Ba...
'When Rider is interviewed by the Pawston Daily News, he shares the untold story of how the PI Pa...
'Welcome to Pawston, the animal capital of the world. Every day, thousands of animals go about th...
'Prince Bubbles, the prince of New Sealand, comes to Pawston to recieve an award. Everything goes...
'Meet Rider Woofson, a dog detective with a nose for finding clues and trouble. Along with his pa...
'Rider is faced with his greatest challenge yet, a rival detective. This new private eye is causi...