Richard of Rairarubia is the thrilling conclusion to The Rairarubia Tales, a beloved fantasy-adve...
One hot summer day, fourteen-year-olds Geri Thomas and Jay Thornton try to find a place to cool o...
In this revised edition, if there is one thread running through most of the stories, it is each p...
When sixteen-year-old Jay Thornton's mother dies leaving him an orphan, he jumps a freight train ...
Molly and her father let their imaginations run wild as they create a fantastic story, then stran...
Nearing the end of his life, Old asks himself, 'Does my life ultimately have any importance in an...
Nearing the end of his life, Old asks himself, 'Does my life ultimately have any importance in an...
In Return to Rairarubia, the latest captivating installment of the Rairarubia Tales, Molly Doogan...
Revenge on Rairarubia is the thrilling fourth book in the ongoing fantasy-adventure series, The R...
In this captivating second edition of Book 3 in the award-winning series, The Rairarubia Tales, r...
In The Ring from Rairarubia, the fifth installment of the enchanting Rairarubia Tales, Molly Doog...
Bullied and mistreated by three schoolmates, Arthur thinks the computer he receives from his pare...