Accounting is language of business, it has its own grammar and rules. It is difficult to understa...
As per World Bank estimate, 7000 Micro-Finance Institutes serving 16 million poor people with app...
The Cooperative movement in India has its own status, role and impact in the socio-economic devel...
Governance ist das System und der Prozess von organisierten Einheiten, ob privat oder öffentlich,...
The book is compilation of articles and research papers on social economy, cooperatives and micro...
Governance is system and process of organised entities, whether private or public, whether for pr...
Cyber Technology offers ample opportunities to seek, analyze and use information as never before....
Wed¿ug szacunków Banku ¿wiatowego, 7000 Instytucji Mikrofinansowych obs¿uguje 16 milionów ubogich...
Selon les estimations de la Banque mondiale, 7000 instituts de microfinance desservent 16 million...
Segundo estimativa do Banco Mundial, 7000 Institutos de Micro-Finanças a servir 16 milhões de pes...
Secondo le stime della Banca Mondiale, 7000 istituti di microfinanza servono 16 milioni di poveri...
Volgens een schatting van de Wereldbank bedienen 7000 microfinancieringsinstellingen 16 miljoen a...