5G Technologies for Health Information System
Those adopts teaching as a profession , assumes the obligation to conduct himself in accordance w...
This book is applicable for the study in mathematics using Applications of some Hypergeometric fu...
The present book is written with the intention of providing fundamentals to studies which are bas...
Expanding the quantity of treatment facilities alone won't resolve the sewage management issues. ...
Quantum mechanics gives a unique lens on human spirituality. Its probabilistic character and non-...
La mécanique quantique offre une perspective unique sur la spiritualité humaine. Son caractère pr...
A mecânica quântica oferece uma perspetiva única sobre a espiritualidade humana. O seu carácter p...
La mecánica cuántica ofrece una perspectiva única de la espiritualidad humana. Su carácter probab...
La meccanica quantistica offre una lente unica sulla spiritualità umana. Il suo carattere probabi...
Die Quantenmechanik bietet einen einzigartigen Blick auf die menschliche Spiritualität. Ihr wahrs...
Kwantowaq mehanika daet unikal'nuü wozmozhnost' wzglqnut' na chelowecheskuü duhownost'. Ee weroqt...