A fugitive on the run from the Council, Cannon travels to Japan with Akiko in an attempt to secur...
After the departure of Janey Belle, a new Zombie Tramp has risen from the grave! Angel Lynch is t...
Angel Lynch finds herself in Rome, Italy, and smack dab at the center of a necromancer conspiracy...
The skies of New York City are no longer safe. In mere hours, the greatest metropolis on the plan...
In the future, technology is everywhere. Yet, there is a greater source of power and wonder now i...
Michael Turner Creations brings you the visionary creators most cherishedproperties as they've ne...
Following the devastating events of 'Michael Turner's Fathom: The Elite Saga,' Aspen Matthews fin...
The time for Revelations has ended. The time for Decimation has begun... Following the groundbrea...
Michael Turner's epic fantasy adventure surges forward into a new era! The Bearer of the Light, M...
This special Soulfire TPB publication collects together the finalclimatic issues of Soulfire Volu...
The BubbleGun crew return for more high stakes jobs! Since the team rescued the group's newest me...
Kiani has returned - and she's pissed! The neutral truce between the Humans and the Blue has take...