The ultimate goal of periodontal therapy is to restore the architecture and function of the perio...
Implantate sind in vielen, wenn nicht den meisten Situationen, in denen fehlende Zähne ersetzt we...
Introduction of Platelet Concentrates in field of Dentistry improves the Repair and Regeneration ...
Implants have become the treatment of choice in many, if not most, situations when missing teeth ...
Lesimplantsdentairessont considérés comme une contribution importante à la dentisterie car ils on...
Zubnye implantaty schitaütsq wazhnym wkladom w stomatologiü, tak kak oni rewolücionizirowali spos...
Gli impianti sono diventati il trattamento di scelta in molte, se non nella maggior parte delle s...
Oral rehabilitation of missing teeth with dental implants is a reliable treatment method associat...
Zahnimplantate gelten als wichtiger Beitrag zur Zahnmedizin, da sie die Art und Weise, wie fehlen...
Les implants sont devenus le traitement de choix dans de nombreuses situations, sinon la plupart,...
Daily self-care (oral hygiene) and adherence to a maintenance recall schedule is absolutely requi...
Implantaty stali predpochtitel'nym metodom lecheniq wo mnogih, esli ne wo mnogih, situaciqh, kogd...