Explores the experiences, techniques and rituals of soldiers in battle on the plains of ancient G...
The effects of war refuse to remain local: they persist through the centuries, sometimes in unlik...
Explores the experiences, techniques and rituals of soldiers in battle on the plains of ancient G...
On September 11, 2001, hours after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, the eminent ...
Examining nine landmark battles from ancient to modern times--from Salamis, where outnumbered Gre...
Massive illegal immigration from Mexico into California, Victor Davis Hanson writes, 'coupled wit...
Victor David Hanson, author of the highly regarded classic The Western Way of War, presents an au...
This is a brilliant history of the rise to dominance of the West, exploring the links between cul...
In this prequel to the now-classic Makers of Modern Strategy, Victor Davis Hanson, a leading scho...
One of our most provocative military historians, Victor Davis Hanson has given us painstakingly r...
In this revealing broadside, Victor Davis Hanson explains how President Obama has imprinted his d...
A 'breathtakingly magisterial' account of World War II by America's preeminent military historian...