Lou Reed war der Rockmusik seiner Zeit weit voraus. Er war ein führender Kopf der Gegenkultur, de...
In den 1960er-Jahren hatte Dennis Hopper seine Kamera überall dabei - am Filmset, auf Partys, bei...
Burroughs, the eccentric, brilliant artist who burned the bridge with logic and wrote the classic...
In 1992, Victor Bockris's celebrated biography was the first to recognise Richards's pivotal role...
An updated biography of the music legend Lou Reed, who died last year. Tells his story in his own...
Here, accompanied by dozens of unique photographs, are the very best of Victor Bockris's infamous...
The Velvet Underground is arguably one of the most influential American rock bands ever. Based on...
The Burroughs-Warhol Connection revolves around four meetings between William S. Burroughs and An...