Sicher im StudiumDie Reihe mit dem Grundlagenwissen sämtlicher Teildisziplinen des Studienfachs A...
Wie werden Texte wissenschaftlich interpretiert? Kompakt und übersichtlich stellt das Lehrbuch di...
Der Band 'Konzepte der Kulturwissenschaften' bietet Orientierung in einem interdisziplinären Disk...
Literatur aus dem geschlechterspezifischen Blickwinkel interpretieren. Welchen Einfluss hat der G...
This book explores key concepts that students should become acquainted with at the beginning of t...
Why a handbook on methods? Choosing and using methods wisely is one of the key prerequisites for ...
This book explores a phenomenon that has so far mainly been studied by psychologists and neurosci...
In the 21st century, the discipline of literary studies is faced with a considerable number of ne...
Schlüsselkompetenzen unabdingbar für den Studien- und Berufserfolg. Denn Schlüsselqualifikationen...
Taking as its point of departure Nelson Goodman's theory of symbol systems as delineated in his s...
Though the phenomenon known as 'unreliable narration' or 'narrative unreliability' has received a...
Taking as its point of departure Nelson Goodman's theory of symbol systems as delineated in his s...