Dual tasking is an important asset to everyone's life But as ageing occurs this task is tremendou...
Doing two tasks together is a day today activity and is problematic in case of elderly with parki...
Collection of different samples from the water bodies of Vedant Gyan Valley and Jharna Village . ...
low back pain is a common problem seen in adults and if not given any consideration in due time ,...
The astonishing hypothesis of neuroscience is that thoughts and emotions are the interactions of ...
Various advancements in the field of physiotherapy has made it cost effective and approachable to...
Dental Implantology is the term used today to describe the fixation of alloplastic materials to t...
Doppelaufgaben sind für jeden Menschen eine wichtige Bereicherung. Mit zunehmendem Alter wird die...
Il doppio compito è una risorsa importante per la vita di tutti, ma con l'invecchiamento questo c...
La double tâche est un atout important dans la vie de chacun, mais avec le vieillissement, cette ...
A dupla tarefa é um bem importante para a vida de todos, mas com o envelhecimento, esta tarefa é ...
Podwójne zadanie jest wänym atutem w ¿yciu kädego cz¿owieka, ale wraz ze starzeniem si¿ to zadani...