At the dawn of the second millennium, two royal Scottish children are swept away from their famil...
This collection of poetry by award-winning poet Valerie Nieman ispraised by National Book Award f...
Darrick MacBrehon, a government auditor, wakes among the dead. Bloodied and disoriented from a ga...
The stories in Fidelities, which are mostly set in West Virginia, are both heartrending and beaut...
Blood Clay tells the story of Tracey Gaines, who has moved to rural Saul County, North Carolina, ...
Leopard Lady: A Life in Verse by Valerie Nieman tells the story of Dinah, an orphan child of Appa...
Check into Hotel Worthy, Valerie Nieman's new book of poems, and you'll never want to leave. Ther...
Lourana and Darrick took down the dreaded coal barons in To the Bones, but it seems that Kavanagh...
Neena and her aunt, Maura, try to start a new life in a United States devastated by chemical warf...
'All seventeen-year-old Maggie Warshauer wants is to leave her stifled life in Filliyaw Creek beh...