Marker assisted selection or marker aided selection (MAS) is an indirect selection process where ...
Kadaknath is a unique Indian poultry breed with black flesh which is not only a delicacy of disti...
Die markerunterstützte Selektion (MAS) ist ein indirektes Selektionsverfahren, bei dem die Auswah...
La selezione assistita da marcatori o selezione assistita da marcatori (MAS) è un processo di sel...
Goat in India, reared by poor marginal and landless farmers. Being a prolific animal, goat rearin...
The science of Genetics deals with heredity and variation, heredity which is responsible for simi...
La sélection assistée par marqueurs ou sélection assistée par marqueurs (SAM) est un processus de...
Otbor s pomosch'ü markerow ili selekciq s pomosch'ü markerow (MAS) - äto process koswennoj selekc...
The laboratory manual on molecular biology presents basic molecular techniques for researchers in...
A seleção assistida por marcador ou seleção auxiliada por marcador (EAM) é um processo de seleção...
Laboratornoe rukowodstwo po molekulqrnoj biologii predstawlqet osnownye molekulqrnye metody dlq i...
Il manuale di laboratorio di biologia molecolare presenta le tecniche molecolari di base per i ri...