The cloud computing industry has become a major segment of the European economy, which have creat...
This paper explores value co-creation and value co-destruction with a focus on the social practic...
The rapid increase in car ownership has caused rigorous issues for people living in the major cit...
Este artigo explora a co-criação e a co-destruição de valor, centrando-se nas práticas sociais in...
Este artículo explora la co-creación y la co-destrucción de valor centrándose en las prácticas so...
Cet article explore la co-création et la co-destruction de valeur en se concentrant sur les prati...
Il presente lavoro esplora la co-creazione e la co-distruzione di valore con particolare attenzio...
Dieser Beitrag untersucht die gemeinsame Wertschöpfung und die gemeinsame Zerstörung von Werten, ...
V dannoj stat'e issleduütsq sowmestnoe sozdanie i sowmestnoe razrushenie cennostej s akcentom na ...