In this delightful and intriguing collection of essays, Trevor W. Harrison tells sometimes light-...
Safarnameh-an Urdu word meaning an account of a journey-is the story of Trevor Harrison's overlan...
EARTH has a disease! Its called HUMANITY! Enter the Lord of Lightning, a wayward Godling desperat...
This universe was created by seven gods.This world and its inhabitants are also ruled by the Seve...
A Right-wing populist, in an oil-rich province, Ralph Klein has been a one-man wrecking crew, dis...
Explains why and how superlines have revolutionised fishing as we know it. This book details brai...
Subtle insights into Japan that are different from the usual catalog of descriptions and analyses.
What can the rise of the Reform party tell us about the rise of populist parties and movements ge...
Gay never recorded an album, never won a Juno. His music existed in the moment, appreciated by th...
During the Cold War, nationalism fell from favour among theorists as an explanatory factor in his...
After his third re-election, a grinning Ralph Klein strode up to the mike and declared: 'Welcome ...